Llechi Glo, Cefn Gwlad

Llechi Glo, Cefn Gwlad

This project supported and promoted community leadership. A 3 year funded project until 21.12.21. We are one in 9 areas across Wales who work together across the the network  of groups, from the slate valleys of Gwynedd, the agricultural heartland, and the coal valleys of Wales.


The aim is to encourage new community led action especially around supporting the Foundational economy. We have two projects year one we employed a Digital Community Connector who focused on developing our digital capacity through connecting to community and young people. Year two we have employed a Community Cycle Mechanic who is linking and working with the local comprehensive school and wider community to  develop our Up-Cycle project.



The idea came abour from a  group of enthusiastic  young people with love for bikes . The young people involved gained qualifications in bike maintenance and started offering community pop-up repair sessions. It has now developed further and we have a repair workshop on the high street. Due to securing some funding from Llechi Glo, Cefn Gwlad we have been able to employ a full time Cycle Mechanic to offer services, repairs and training with community members. 


This project developed due to the social enterprises that YRP were supporting wanting their very own space to advertise and sell their products.  With the input of the young people our eSpace website was developed. This has given the young people an opportunity to take control over how their products are sold. As well as this it has given the YRP an opportunity to offer the young people a chance to gain digital skills along the way by supporting them with the creating and designing of the web pages and filming videos to go on the website. 


Key Worker: Andrew Johnson & Mark Hutton

Manager : Mark Hutton - mark@yrp.wales

Funder: Rank Foundation, Great Places - Lottery (part of Llechi        Glo, Cefn Gwlad with 8 other partners)

Funded until: 31/12/21

Meeting: Zoom meetings


Key Worker: Mark Hutton, Jack Kinnerly (web designer) & Katie Burgess (volunteer)

Manager: Mark Hutton - mark@yrp.wales

Funder: Rank Foundation, Great Places - Lottery (part of Llechi              Glo, Cefn Gwlad with 8 other partners)

Funded until: 31/12/21

Meeting: Social enterprises regularly chat meet to chat about their businesses. There are also meetings with web designer when needed.

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